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pair me up a 635nm for my pl515

Mar 17, 2015
I'm going through working up a cost to build for a RG:Y build. I can't seem to find a comparably priced 635nm or 638nm diode to match with the 30mw Osram PL515. I dont need much power.

I'd like any suggestions you guys might have with comparable beam shape.

Feb 25, 2010
I'm going through working up a cost to build for a RG:Y build. I can't seem to find a comparably priced 635nm or 638nm diode to match with the 30mw Osram PL515. I dont need much power.

I'd like any suggestions you guys might have with comparable beam shape.

Well...I would bump up the Green with a 520nm B1.....See you now this link.


Couple that LD with the.....

Opnext/Oclaro 120mW Single Mode 638 Diodes (HL63603TG)....also from DTR....See here...


Now...LSP and Techhood both have a good price on the Dichro filter u will need !!!

The mirror mounts from Techhood....are NOT finished as nice as the ones from LSP....but....they cost less....and are functional....I have used both...and you will need some of these mounts to combine and bounce your beams !

I have not experimented with the Oclarro 63603TG LD....but...being a single mode....should have a tight beam.....Looks like you can hit the sweet spot at 0.40 A

I predict you will need about a 2:1 ratio.....2 parts Red....to 1 part Green....and that will get you a yellow beam !!

What I predict you will see with the combined beams....

!) At the beam target/Farfield.....the beam spot will be a mixture !!! A yellow central spot....yes....but...you will see some bleed of Green and Red....flairing slightly from the central yellow spot. This is because....no matter what....the Green spot may be perfectly laid over the Red spot....but SOME optical aberration (read spill) will occur. Also...The divergence of each individual diode just cannot be perfectly matched.....even with the same model diode ! There are just some very, very small manufacturing variations that occur... on a microscopic level that make each diode.....unique. Almost the same...but not 100% !! Just the limits of optics that we must deal with !!!

2) Now,,,,the beam itself will look different....It will appear...Yellow...yes....BUT....within that yellow
beam will be reflections of BOTH Red and Green. These reflections you have seen before...but...now...you will see "sparkles" of Red and Green....contained within the yellow beam diameter !!
Attribute this to ambient dust particles and Rayleigh scattering. Again....we are mixing two distinct colours here....and this is what you will see.

IMNSHO....the mixing looks beautiful !!!

Now...will the beam be a solid " Rod of Yellow " ??????? ....no...it will not !!! To get that....one must spent a hellava lotta " Green "....and be happy with very low power levels !!!.....For me....it will not surprise you that the mixing of Red and Green are the way to get 300mW of yellow !!! But....that is my opinion !!! I think the output of the " Purple pHaze " build looks great !!! ( Red and Blue combined)...but....I am biased !!!

SOoooo....Set the B1 to output approx. 100mW....and the Oclarro at about 200mW....at this ratio....you should get a nice yellow color.....the B1 may be just a small amount more divergence than the Oclarro...not sure ??

The 520 nm B1....is a multimode....BUT....has a beam like a single mode....very tight divergence indeed !!!

Anyway....these are my speculations !!! Combiners Rule !!

Good Luck !!:san::san:
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Nov 28, 2012
I think you just overwhelmed him CD lol.

Have you figured out the correct ratio you need for yellow Trend? I'll find the thread on the the RG module I bought from O-like and see what they used.
Hmmm, could have sworn I had written down the seperate beams outputs. I know for a fact that it did just over 200mW combined and met it's rating. I'll have to measure them again if you need the ratio.
What I know for a fact is alignment is the hardest thing to get right.
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Feb 25, 2010
I think you just overwhelmed him CD lol.

Have you figured out the correct ratio you need for yellow Trend? I'll find the thread on the the RG module I bought from O-like and see what they used.
Hmmm, could have sworn I had written down the seperate beams outputs. I know for a fact that it did just over 200mW combined and met it's rating. I'll have to measure them again if you need the ratio.
What I know for a fact is alignment is the hardest thing to get right.

Well sure...that was my goal...to " Overwhelm " him ...HAHAHA....next time....I will add more quotation marks !!!.....and ramble on more insistently !! LOL !

Looking at the Wavelength Responsivity Listing....my bet is that a 2:1 ratio...twice the power of Red vs. the power of green will kick out a medium yellow beam !!

Ah yes....Alignment.....the PITA of beam combining !!....And...for the Zillionith time....Alignment is all relative to distance !!

Our ability to " fine tune " the beam alignment is limited by our mechanical mount limits. While we have great off the sheff mounts...available for a low price.....there remain limitations !!

Thankfully....we are likely concerned with a Farfield target distance of max 300 feet ( 90 M ) This distance is my own opinion for what I am concerned with. If you want your beams aligned at 5 K....well...go for it...but...why ????? Can you see 5 K away ??? NO !

The take away is that....practically speaking....one should be aware that there are limits....and the greater the distance....the more .0001 MM alignment variations will be amplified.

I am not suggesting we should settle for slop alignment....just that....when the practical needs are covered....why should one worry about what the Hell is going on at 5K away ???

Anyway.... Both Optics and mechanical precision have their limits. Enjoy what we can accomplish....and forget about the rest.



    740 KB · Views: 45
Mar 17, 2015
Not overwhelmed. I really appreciate the time and effort that reply took. :beer:

I want to be able to power each diode separately variably. I'll work on that portion later. I will be using this indoors and normally at a very low power setting less than 15mw, depending maybe even down as low as 5mw combined at less than 10 feet. I want to use this as a pointer. I need a 638nm diode that will lase that low. The Osram diode will with no problem and it looks beautiful and I would think would bump the ratio to at least a bit closer to 2:1.

Now will I also have the option to turn up the juice, yeah most likely with a key switch or something. I have not worked all that out. There will be modes. My minimum requirements are the ability to lase at near 5mw each and be somewhat similar in dot and beam shape.
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