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LSX/windows 7 install on mac HELP


Dec 3, 2009
So, as I patiently await my first PJ from Hak's GB, I realize I need to reinstall a partition with windows 7 on my Mac Book Pro so I can run the copy of LSX I purchased a while back for just such an occasion. I have succesfully done it before, but have had the hard drive replaced since then. Now, when I go through the exact same steps in "Bootcamp", I run into a problem with the Mac not recognizing the windows install DVD. I've read a few places on the net that others are having this issue as well. The disk is clean and has no scratches. I'm not sure if there has been some sort of update to my OS that will no longer recognize the Windows DVD, or what. I've tried asking my local Mac store and customer tech support, but I keep getting the same answer. "I'm not familiar with bootcamp, but if you'd like to spend more money, we can have our techs look further into it"...

Does anyone run "bootcamp" or have any ideas? I don't really want to buy another laptop to run this. I'm sure in the future a dedicated unit would be a good idea, but not until after I get my feet wet. Thanks!

Sorry, if this is the wrong section...;)

Dec 29, 2009

someone had to manually choose the cd drive to boot from by hitting Alt during start-up. He states:
After creating the partition and clicking the 'Start Installation' button (with the Windows 7 DVD in the drive), the iMac reboots to a grey screen (same as when booting into OS X but without the Apple logo). The drive spins up for a few seconds as if attempting to read the DVD and then ejects it and boots into OS X.

Startup key combinations for Intel-based Macs < looks like C might be the key to press?

But yeah, at what point does your mac not recognize the CD?


Dec 3, 2009
The issue happens right after I create the partition. At that point, it asks me to install the windows DVD and click "start installation". After maybe a minute, it just tells me that is does not recognize the DVD installation disk??? There is no gray screen or lock up. It's the same disk and procedure I used last year.

The only thing changed was an update a while back and a new hard drive. Dunno?
Dec 29, 2009
If your mac is pretty capable, you might just consider trying out something like VirtualBox instead. It is a virtual environment for installing other OSs, but it doesn't require you to boot to different partitions or anything.
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Dec 3, 2009
Thanks, guys! I stopped by the Mac store and had them take a look. They thought maybe it was my optical drive, but it read everything they threw at it. They also loaded my Windows disk on several other machines just fine. For some reason my machine just does not like this disk??? They are to let me know tomorrow if they find anything.

I'll give your suggestions a try if I don't get this sorted out.

Thanks, again guys!
Aug 21, 2009
try making an ISO of your windows disk and using that instead of the physical media.

Thanks, guys! I stopped by the Mac store and had them take a look. They thought maybe it was my optical drive, but it read everything they threw at it. They also loaded my Windows disk on several other machines just fine. For some reason my machine just does not like this disk??? They are to let me know tomorrow if they find anything.

I'll give your suggestions a try if I don't get this sorted out.

Thanks, again guys!
Apr 2, 2009
try making an ISO of your windows disk and using that instead of the physical media.

If I owned LSX and Mac had any problems - I would contact Swami. I cant +3 him ATM but will, when the system allows. (not that I think he really cares much about the LPF rep system) His laser shows made with LSX are the best, he is always this helpful and I look forward to seeing him again at SELEM and see what he has new for us.

:beer::beer::beer::beer: for Swamidog!! you ROCK DOOD!!:thanks:
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Aug 21, 2009
you can buy me a latte at SELEM! ;)

we live in the future and we have these amazing toys. i just want to help people enjoy them as much as i do.

If I owned LSX and Mac had any problems - I would contact Swami. I cant +3 him ATM but will, when the system allows. (not that I think he really cares much about the LPF rep system) His shows shows made with LSX are the best, he is always this helpful and I look forward to seeing him again at SELEM and see what he has new for us.

:beer::beer::beer::beer: for Swamidog!! you ROCK DOOD!!:thanks:


Dec 3, 2009
I've gotten the issue resolved, (sorta).

It's been quite the adventure trying to get this darn machine ready for my first projector. First I had my hard drive go out. Then, after replacing that, I tried reinstalling boot camp and windows 7, so I could reinstall LSX. No go. Turns out the optical drive was going out. So again, I coughed up the money to replace that. Good news is that the MAC store felt bad and since they just had it, decided to cover labor. Wahoo. Small victory;) I finally got my machine back and successfully installed Windows 7 on a partition. Then last night I attempted to install LSX. What would luck dish out? A noisy growling optical drive! Argh! After 4 failed attempts I was ready to "install" MAC, Windows & LSX into the microwave. Just as I caught my breathe, I wondered if the paper label on the disk could POSSIBLY have anything to do with it. Tossed the disk into the dishpan and came back later. I wiped off the label, dried it and went for one last attempt. Bingo! It loaded in about 30 seconds. I'm guessing it was off balance or something. Success, or so I thought. I then proceeded to install the activation codes only to be shown a "error, access denied. Admin privileges required"...:( I'm guessing the replacement of the hard drive necessitates new codes? Email sent to Andrew...

Rant over. Thanks, I feel better;)
Aug 21, 2009
ack! sorry, i forgot to mention that.

the first time i did a LSX install on my mac laptop, i had the same problem with the disk label. i think the tolerance on the slot loading drives is too fine for the stick on label.

i ended up just sticking the disk on my desktop mac and exporting the drive across the network. using an ISO would be better/faster.

i don't know why you're getting the "error, access denied. Admin privileges required". i'm *sooo* not a windows person.

glad you're closer!

I've gotten the issue resolved, (sorta).

It's been quite the adventure trying to get this darn machine ready for my first projector. First I had my hard drive go out. Then, after replacing that, I tried reinstalling boot camp and windows 7, so I could reinstall LSX. No go. Turns out the optical drive was going out. So again, I coughed up the money to replace that. Good news is that the MAC store felt bad and since they just had it, decided to cover labor. Wahoo. Small victory;) I finally got my machine back and successfully installed Windows 7 on a partition. Then last night I attempted to install LSX. What would luck dish out? A noisy growling optical drive! Argh! After 4 failed attempts I was ready to "install" MAC, Windows & LSX into the microwave. Just as I caught my breathe, I wondered if the paper label on the disk could POSSIBLY have anything to do with it. Tossed the disk into the dishpan and came back later. I wiped off the label, dried it and went for one last attempt. Bingo! It loaded in about 30 seconds. I'm guessing it was off balance or something. Success, or so I thought. I then proceeded to install the activation codes only to be shown a "error, access denied. Admin privileges required"...:( I'm guessing the replacement of the hard drive necessitates new codes? Email sent to Andrew...

Rant over. Thanks, I feel better;)
Dec 29, 2009
I just had an iMac go out. Apparently, when the hard drive goes out, it turns the system into a giant gray screen. I couldn't boot from any devices, bring up HW diag., nothing. I was quite sure it was gonna need a new mainboard, but they said it was a problem with the HD and replaced the hard-drive. Charged me for it, of course, since the recall ended back in April...

Glad it wasn't a personal system :wave:


Dec 3, 2009
So I received my new activation file. Still no go... I don't understand what I'm doing wrong? I've unzipped the file to the specified places in every way I can think of. Still not licensed and activated... Grrr
