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New member
Nov 25, 2021
Hello everyone!

New from the UK here, definitely no expert, but not completely new to lasers. Owned a few laser pointers when I was a bit younger and have recently started getting back into them again. :)

All the recommendations I saw on here for Sanwu pointed me in their direction. Just received my first Pocket Laser, I went for the 150mw 520nm one. Absolutely amazing quality aren't they?! Doesn't even compare to anything I've owned previously. :D

I'd love to look into some of my own DIY projects when I have more time on my hands too. I have a lot to learn!

Also, what's everyone's thoughts on the Eagle Pair 90-540nm + 610-760nm DUAL BANDWIDTH safety Goggles? (on Survivallaser) Has anyone owned a pair and can vouch for whether they're any good? Or if it would be better to get separate goggles for the different ends of the spectrum? Whilst the convenience of owning just the one pair of glasses feels more optimal, I would rather not take my chances.

I already have a small, permanent reminder in my left eye how important eye protection is (reflection hit me by accident, please don't judge me I was young, stupid and very lucky it would seem :LOL:).

Great to e-meet you all! 🍻

Hey there! I was in the same boat as you a year ago as far as getting back into lasers. From the US here. Sanwu is great, really weird coincidence that I just ordered the 50mw 520 pocket from them this morning. Glad you're enjoying yours :)

I owned and used a couple pairs from Survival for a while, but recently there has been some controversy about them on LPF. But even putting that aside, they are not CE or OSHA certified so if you want the least risk for your eyes check out the glasses offered by Laserglow. If the glasses are dual bandwidth and certified as such then you should be in the clear, you can even ask Laserglow for a graph of the OD rating over the wavelength spectrum to make sure.

Good luck with your DIY projects, there are so many good threads here to look through.

Dang, how powerful was the laser you had as a kid?

Great to e-meet you all! 🍻
Likewise, see ya around
Nice! The 520nm is a nice colour isn't it? I was torn between this and the 505nm.

Interesting, I'll definitely be taking a look at laserglow in that case, thanks for the rec!

It was supposedly a 200mw (650nm) but I'm almost certain the power was underrated. Thankfully it's not that bad, I don't really notice it unless I cover my right eye... 😂
I've never seen it but I'm expecting it to be close to 532 just a little more "forest green". I'm excited to see how it really looks.
(I have 492nm so I thought 505 was a little close, especially since 492 tends to look minty in some contexts already)

Laserglow is always good and up to industry standards, just expensive and unfortunately won't sell anything above 5mw to the US due to safety regulations.

You should get an LPM and see how much power that laser really is, but I mean 200mw could still do a considerable amount of damage. Yikes. Good reminder to be careful
I've never seen it but I'm expecting it to be close to 532 just a little more "forest green". I'm excited to see how it really looks.
It looks similar, the difference is slight, but noticable (I think).

I actually gave in and ordered the 505nm one yesterday so I've got that coming as well. 😄

You should get an LPM and see how much power that laser really is, but I mean 200mw could still do a considerable amount of damage. Yikes. Good reminder to be careful
Sadly I don't own this laser anymore so I'll never know, haha.
I actually gave in and ordered the 505nm one yesterday so I've got that coming as well. 😄
I'd love to see a side by side comparison of 505 520 and 532. (525?) There are some on YouTube but the colors are clearly off, usually the mint colors shift to cyan on camera. Might need to set camera temperature manually or use a little photoshop magic for the sake of realism
usually the mint colors shift to cyan on camera. Might need to set camera temperature manually or use a little photoshop magic for the sake of realism

I might take a look at doing this when the 505 arrives, I will have a 532 that I can compare them to as well!
