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A Long Overdue Update and Apology

Mar 27, 2011
Dear Laser Pointer Forums Community,

It feels surreal to be writing this after such a long absence. Life has taken me on a rollercoaster journey over the past four years, and unfortunately, it's been a journey that has kept me away from this wonderful community. As I sit down to write this, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions - gratitude for the memories shared here, sadness for the time lost, and hope for the future.

First and foremost, I owe you all a heartfelt apology. Despite my best intentions, I haven't been able to log in or engage with the forum since 2020. I've missed out on countless discussions, projects, and friendships that I cherished dearly. To those who reached out to me during this time and never received a response, I am truly sorry. Your messages were not ignored out of neglect, but rather due to the overwhelming challenges life threw my way.

In the span of these four years, I've undergone significant changes both personally and professionally. Most notably, I've been appointed on the role of CEO at a small R&D company specializing in medical devices, supporting many big medical manufacturing companies. The responsibilities that come with this position have consumed much of my time and energy, leaving little room for hobbies or personal pursuits.

Moreover, like many of you, I've experienced the profound impact of the global events that have unfolded since 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every aspect of our lives, and unfortunately, I've lost dear friends and colleagues along the way. It's been a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

As I navigate through these turbulent times, I can't help but notice the absence of familiar faces in the forum. Many of you who I once conversed with regularly seem to have been inactive for years, and it saddens me to think that life's challenges may have taken them away from this community. My thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you, and I sincerely hope that you are all safe, healthy, and thriving wherever life may have taken you.

While I may not have been present in the forum, please know that my commitment to this community remains unwavering. If any of you find yourselves in need of assistance, whether it be related to laser pointers , LPMs, laser drivers, or otherwise, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I may not be able to respond as promptly as I'd like, but I will do my utmost to lend a helping hand whenever possible.

In closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every member of this community. Your passion, knowledge, and camaraderie have made this forum a truly special place, and I feel honored to have been a part of it. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I look forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new memories together.

Wishing you all the best,

Mar 27, 2011
Hi guys!! I'm glad to see you again after all these years!
but still, I've been checking other's profiles, and they seem to have long gone, with the last seen between 2022 and 2023 😰

.......and your drivers :)

Ah! Speak of the devil!
This is what I've done since earlier this month just because I have free time having recovered from surgery:









Last edited:


Dec 7, 2008
Pradipta !

I have a scroll occasionally on the forum but like you have been very in-active for the last years!

I too had to log back in just to say HI and really enjoyed reading your post. I was hit by abit of nostalgia.

Wishing everyone always the best, and thanks for the good times :)

Mar 27, 2011
Had to come back to just to say welcome back to you Pradipta. No apologies needed for being inactive. Everyone has their lives to contend with. It's nice to see your name active again. Kind regards.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome back! Your understanding means a lot. I just wanted to express my regret for any missed messages, especially considering my past role as one of a seller. Let's catch up soon!

Pradipta !

I have a scroll occasionally on the forum but like you have been very in-active for the last years!

I too had to log back in just to say HI and really enjoyed reading your post. I was hit by abit of nostalgia.

Wishing everyone always the best, and thanks for the good times :)

Why, thanks C !
It's great to hear from you after all this time! Nostalgia hits hard, doesn't it? especially the days when we do a test for my laser drivers. Time flies so fast.
I apologize for not responding to your email back in 2023; I was admittedly frustrated by the lack of affordable shipping options post-COVID, I wanted to reply but kept forgetting about it.

Welcome back to the forums! Always great to have a veteran member returning! :cool:
Thanks! glad to see you again. I thought we needed a minimal 1000 posts to get a "Veteran" status? lol jk 🤣
Btw i have noticed that the Mod is now consists of only a few people, where the others? Daguin, ARG, Alaskan, etc? (CMIIW)

Hope you have an easy time recovering from your surgery. Take care, paul
Thanks, Paul,
It is not a life-threatening surgery. but still, it forced me to be bedridden for about 3 weeks, because getting up, sitting, and walking feels painful after surgery.
Sep 20, 2013
Thank you so much for the warm welcome back! Your understanding means a lot. I just wanted to express my regret for any missed messages, especially considering my past role as one of a seller. Let's catch up soon!

Why, thanks C !
It's great to hear from you after all this time! Nostalgia hits hard, doesn't it? especially the days when we do a test for my laser drivers. Time flies so fast.
I apologize for not responding to your email back in 2023; I was admittedly frustrated by the lack of affordable shipping options post-COVID, I wanted to reply but kept forgetting about it.

Thanks! glad to see you again. I thought we needed a minimal 1000 posts to get a "Veteran" status? lol jk 🤣
Btw i have noticed that the Mod is now consists of only a few people, where the others? Daguin, ARG, Alaskan, etc? (CMIIW)

Thanks, Paul,
It is not a life-threatening surgery. but still, it forced me to be bedridden for about 3 weeks, because getting up, sitting, and walking feels painful after surgery.

Thanks Praditpta. Hope you are able to post again. Take care, paul
