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  1. Philipnzw

    Super tiny boost driver for greens.

    Sorry I don't really have a clue if it's really putting out 280mA. I didn't check back then as it was bright enough for me. Good luck with the 488nm sharp build. The colour will mesmerize you for a while.
  2. Philipnzw

    Green laser rifle sight help

    Making a super powerful gun laser might not be a good idea and might not be legal. High powered lasers also have horrible beam specs and the "dot" will look like a bar at longer distances. But it is possible. A higher powered laser will also be super obvious to any animal downrange, might...
  3. Philipnzw

    First Post, just need some help

    Caps are needed as they help to smooth out voltage/current spikes. Laser diodes are quite susceptible to any electrical ripple. About the safety goggles, well they always cost a ton anyway. (tbh this hobby IS slightly costly) There are cheap and genuine ones but they are sold on Taobao, it's...
  4. Philipnzw

    Any ideas why the laser dot would look like this?

    In my experience, that's just how a laser looks after some dust or particulate gets stuck to the laser diode window/lens. I clean my laser lens on a semi regular basis but it often gets dirty again. There's a small road (with high traffic) nearby and sadly dusty air is a norm. (You might be...
  5. Philipnzw

    NUGM03 1W 525nm Laser Diode

    I recently did some measurements with a homemade spectrometer. Oddly enough my NUGM03 @1.8A reads 520nm (dead on). I did my best to make sure the spectrometer is calibrated well with a 532nm DPSS laser, and was able to get the accuracy down to around +-2nm. Perhaps it's wavelength can be pushed...
  6. Philipnzw

    Styropyros newest video, anyone beaten it/ have an idea?

    Reading the OP post actually gave me a little seizure. Mate, you ain't gonna get anything done with 70 dollars. I'm not saying it's impossible, but please do have some more realistic expectations. There will be countless fried diodes, burnt drivers and money spent before you have enough...
  7. Philipnzw

    Shaky rattling button on sanwu pocket.

    Although I do not own any sanwu products, I would say that those little switches are unfortunately not build with precision in mind. It's probably super hard to make a tiny switch feel proper, might take a lot of engineering work. Have my fair share of experience dealing with a similar loose...
  8. Philipnzw

    NEJE 40W - 15W optical power output

    I've seen my fair share of these kits on Taobao. They seem to be rated based on Input power draw, to make the numbers look bigger. There is no way in hell they are getting a single diode to reach 10W+ CW without some exotic engineering solutions. Dual diode setups seem like an easy way to...
  9. Philipnzw

    Negative Experience - Le Thanh Tung (thanhtung)

    LPF is an open forum and democracy (freedom of speech) is a thing. Disagree with closing the thread but hey I'm just some guy on the internet so what do I know. "Absolute power, corrupts absolutely." one of my favourite quotes. - John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton. "You either die a hero, or...
  10. Philipnzw

    Negative Experience - Le Thanh Tung (thanhtung)

    I don't think flexing is any of their intentions. And TBH I don't really care if they are overstating their laser specs, flexing, showing off or whatever. But what disgusts me the most is, as you said, "do so safely", which I don't see those users doing. 5mW is the threshold for eye hazard for a...
  11. Philipnzw


    The replies here pretty much summarized it all. Either use protected cells or Recharge more often (try to guess when the batteries are going empty). I own a pair of unprotected, flat-top Efest 18350s and I always recharge em before they are fully empty. Usually keeping them between 3-4V, as I'm...
  12. Philipnzw

    Negative Experience - Le Thanh Tung (thanhtung)

    Safety Safety Safety. Same old story. Please see the images attached for context. It's been like 1-2 weeks after that ridiculous post of that guy playing with his dog with a >1 watt green laser. Today it's a different dude that is playing with his bird, with (you guessed it) a >1 watt green...
  13. Philipnzw

    Help an oyster farmer

    I think Steve is on to something here. Retroreflectors are definitely the way to go. Would negate the use for a strong laser (tons of disadvantages to using a strong laser).
  14. Philipnzw

    Not a hit and run...

    He probably meant a more easily say-able (if this is even a word) nickname. 3Elevenbrodel doesn't exactly roll off the tongue/ feel like a real human name haha. Fortunately for y'all in the states, this hobby has tons of members from the US, so yeah if you are free I'd recommend you to hang...
  15. Philipnzw

    Negative Experience - Le Thanh Tung (thanhtung)

    Normally, I don't like to get involved in drama and bickering, but I'm making an exception this time as laser safety is involved. I don't quite get the name calling, IMO it's totally uncalled for and not justified. This transaction has been an absolute shit show. All that being said, the $ is...
  16. Philipnzw

    New to lasers. Here to learn and have fun!

    Glad to see that you have purchased some proper safety equipment. Do make sure they are true OD4 or OD5 stuff though, the cheap ones included with most lasers aren't legit at all, and will not protect your eyes. Personally I've not bought anything from Laser Pointer Store, so I can't say much...
  17. Philipnzw

    My sharp GH05C01A9G build.

    Ah, didn't know about the divergence figures. I did notice that the sharp diode was slightly "sharper" (hah) than the Nichia but didn't put too much thought into it. Sadly I do not own a LPM so I can't give any power figures. iirc based on the datasheet's W/mA figure, it should be around 400mW...
  18. Philipnzw

    Side clickies have their disadvantages.......

    Personally I've never owned a side clicky switch laser but I can see why it can be toggled on by accident. Like Dud445 said, it would be better if you can modify the host to accept a tail switch. Side clicky + tail switch combo should help improve safety as well. 488nm is a really sweet...
  19. Philipnzw

    Need advice - Need laser to burn top of trees (a bit geeky)

    Once again, my apologies for wording my reply so harshly. Well here are a few things to consider, 1. The main problem you would encounter if you tried making a laser tree cutter is Power-at-distance. Currently the most powerful single laser diode available is a 7 watt blue laser diode. Sadly...
  20. Philipnzw

    Need advice - Need laser to burn top of trees (a bit geeky)

    As others have said, building such a laser device would be practically impossible, and also a huge safety hazard. Our forum has had some instances of trolls asking similarly ridiculous questions so yeah I won't go into the reasons why building such a laser is a terrible idea. Sorry if I'm...
