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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

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  1. busman2

    Aussie lasers for sale, Blues, Greens and Yellows !

    Update........... I am closing this post until further notice. I have had several people interested in the Yellow lasers and I thank them for that. I did ask for people to submit offers simply because I do not know what each of them are worth. So when I get some definitive answers as to what...
  2. busman2

    Guns Girls and Keep Your Powder Dry - NSFW, Really

    Don't even want to get caught with a 5mw laser here in OZ. I do like this page though! NO chance of laws ever changing here unless War comes directly to us and then it will be to late as we will have already been totally disarmed. News has just come in of another shooting over there, this time...
  3. busman2

    What can you do with lasers in Australia?

    I live in a rural area and also a member of an Astronomy club. I am fortunate that the area I live is quite remote and from time to time I do take mine outside to point it skyward to see the lovely beams reach out into the cosmos!:drool: However about 80km south of me there is a well used flight...
  4. busman2

    Donating to LPF

    New month, it is May. Donation sent.
  5. busman2

    Donating to LPF

    Done. Some $AUD converted to $USD. Thanks Avery.
  6. busman2

    Post your random pics!

    Thats OK Daichi, one can only do what one can do. I do hope you went out and had a look last night as I hear the G3 storm was pretty awesome up there. I live at 33.60S which is a long way north of ANTARCTICA.The G3 storm last night was the best I have seen in many years. Here is one of the many...
  7. busman2

    Post your random pics!

    Hey Alaskan and Daichi. You must both be in a reasonable position to see Aurora Borealis. Seeing as there is a geomagnetic storm warning current RIGHT NOW would be a good time to head out and get some photos to post here? I will be heading out tonight and if conditions and weather are favourable...
  8. busman2

    ANOTHER tornado machine :D

    Hmmm. What have you been up to lately Things? Does TC Marcia and TC Lam have anything to do with you?:crackup:
  9. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    OK i will come clean. It is not a real Rolex! It is not even a good copy. I have several watches, mostly gifts and I very rarely wear one. They are a hazard in the work place and my phone keeps perfect time!
  10. busman2

    Why is it doing this?? Spyder 3 Arctic 2W

    Some batteries even when fully charged will not be able to handle the draw from your 2W Laser. Buy yourself a couple of Panasonic or similar quality brand rechargeable batteries.
  11. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    Yes Kilter of course it is a Real Rolex. Just like in the above story my friend was shopping in a store in Hong Kong and obviously they did not know what a Rolex was so he got it for under 10 bucks! That was about 5 years ago so I know that every year these old watches increase in value so this...
  12. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    Yes that is a Swatch, with a badass strap, the type of which you have probably never seen before! :D Don't you like the Rolex sitting next to it, that has a badass strap too, in fact everything about it is BADass.
  13. busman2

    Hello from AUS

    Welcome Jordan. Don't forget your safety glasses. Enjoy your time at LPF.
  14. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    Well here you go, some of my watches. Nothing special here other than the Rolex of course! Lol Will post some more of them Soooonish! Like to keep you in suspense!:na:
  15. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    I said "Soon" Obviously not soon enough!
  16. busman2

    Post your WATCH collection! [pics]

    I will dig some up soon so as to keep you happy, going grave robbing! Lol .
  17. busman2

    Donating to LPF

  18. busman2

    Peregrine - The Free, Open Source LPM Interface

    There you go, well done Seoul Lasers and good luck to you Jstrawn. I will have to download peregrine again and try it myself!
  19. busman2

    Rest in peace Charles Townes

    Light a Laser for Charles, he lit one for you! RIP.
  20. busman2

    Meet Marley

    Betta's also known as Siamese Fighting Fish are a tropical species so even though he will probably be alright at your room temp he will do Better with a heater. Also remember to change 1/3 to 1/2 of the tank water every week or so and even check the PH every once in awhile. Good luck with your...
