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  1. F

    Can I ask you your advice...i really want to be sure i buy a quality product and need some...

    Can I ask you your advice...i really want to be sure i buy a quality product and need some guidance. I'm looking for a 1w RGB unit with a decent galvo. I can purchase wholesale through my company. Who would you use and what would I expect to pay..Ive seen numbers all over the place..$700 to...
  2. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    The beam pont appears to be a line or like a marker tip when cast on a surface...i dont know the dipswitch code for maintainance, but the beam appears to be about 1/8" leaving the apperature. How do I find out what addditional I need with my LSX software? It looks as if the Lite comes with...
  3. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    Got it...i should have said it better. Thanks for the clarification though. Say I buy a laser from Germany. All of it complies to the FDA guidlines. I buy it (no paperwork on their side or mine)...learn my software and then want to do a party (for pay)...I can now apply for the variance for...
  4. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    Right o Fox...thanks. That makes sense...well, kind of. So if you are using them for personal use, buying from another country is not such a big deal. If you intend to use them in public...get the variance.
  5. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    Thanks KGB...i know of X-laser...but have no idea of their pricing...i bet they're not cheap. I'll prob start to build my own. I just can shell out thousands of dollars to buy one in the states. What are "pro wides"?
  6. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    Thanks all...I thought the product had to be deemed compliant by the FDA...so, it is legal to purchase from those companies who have attained an accesion letter. Good to know...i think one of mine is okay. I still need to apply for the variance. Anybody have thoughts on good compaines to buy...
  7. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    Thanks Hak...lots of good advice. Already did a brief edit on my profile. Sorry about that...my first forum. I'd def be into learning to build my own. As it is right now, ive been able to purchase a couple of imports using my business to get 'em at wholesale. Only to learn that they are...
  8. F

    FDA Compliant importers

    I am new to lasers...in my fourties. Left a long time career to pursue a career doing what I want to do. Been burned in the learning process by importers who claim to be FDA compliant. Anyone know wholesale importers who are FDA compliant? OR...even better ones in the USA who are reasonably...
