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  1. InfinitusEquitas

    Thank you

    Well, it looks like I picked a great time to log back in. Can't say much else, quite a bit of catching up to do, but the site does look much nicer/more modern.
  2. InfinitusEquitas

    Exploding Vape Battery Kills Man

    There a number of different ways that smoke detectors work, but you're absolutely right, most will not be set off by vaping. Some will. Vaping is pretty much treated like smoking nowdays by most establishments. I used to be an avid vaper for a while, but lost interest, still in the time I...
  3. InfinitusEquitas

    Exploding Vape Battery Kills Man

    Unfortunately vaping faces a lot of opposition from the tobacco industry itself. Also while it helps people quit, or works as a replacement for many smokers, there are arguments against vaping too. The biggest being that long term effects are not known, and that vaping could lead to smoking...
  4. InfinitusEquitas

    Evil Genius.

    Remember reading about it a long time ago, and have seen it as a plot device in movies/shows lots of times. Will give it a watch. As crazy bank robberies go, the North Hollywood shootout definitely had the most lasting impact. Lots of movies and documentaries about it too. While it's crystal...
  5. InfinitusEquitas

    Laser Surprise!

    They look scary, but in reality are not. I ran into them a lot when I had a dog, and took late night walks. Most of the time they will just run away. Sometimes hiss. Never actually saw one play dead. Never had one be aggressive to me or my dog either. They are really good for the...
  6. InfinitusEquitas

    Built two new blue lasers today

    Very nice EDC you have there! Willing to bet your machining skills are far ahead of most too.
  7. InfinitusEquitas

    what is the most dangerous colour laser ?

    Absofreakinglutely. The thing is, in general, I don't think people are anywhere near as likely to be flashed by an IR laser. From that perspective, if we consider the odds of being accidentally exposed, the most dangerous will be 532nm simply due to the number of cheap green lasers out there...
  8. InfinitusEquitas

    personality profile

    Lol, yeah, the tests online are just for entertainment. @Alaskan, the other scary aspect to consider, is that if you are actually that smart... boy are people dumb. I did have a longer test done in college, lasted several hours, and placed me at 144, but it's worth noting I was under the...
  9. InfinitusEquitas

    personality profile

    I did take the tests mostly for amusement and introspection (including star wars personality type, Dooku :p). Regarding access to the information, I usually take the tests via private browser if they are in any way actually revealing. Those that facebook advertisers push, the data could be...
  10. InfinitusEquitas

    personality profile

    Thank you guys! Think I'll have a bit more time in the near future, and looking forward to catching up on what I missed :D Edit: I'm gone for months, and the system STILL won't let me rep you :/
  11. InfinitusEquitas

    personality profile

    Necro bump... took a quick test last night because of friends also taking it out of curiosity. Less in depth than the one I took before, but it's interesting how the results changed...
  12. InfinitusEquitas

    What is your internet connection speed?

    Moved closer to wifi router at work.
  13. InfinitusEquitas

    Win thread

    Probably a combo... I've never done it, but imagine being posted somewhere just to stand can get boring :D
  14. InfinitusEquitas

    Win thread

    Exactly how I want to see military surplus equipment used in the US. Super soakers only, not water cannons!
  15. InfinitusEquitas

    iOS or Android

    Results are a bit surprising, but not a huge disparity from what the general market share is between android and ios. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2017/05/18/surprise-google-reveals-apples-ios-market-share-is-65-to-230-bigger-than-we-thought/#239b7aa75890 Apple lost me due to it's...
  16. InfinitusEquitas

    Win thread

    24" Shell fired during the eclipse...
  17. InfinitusEquitas

    Problems with left eye

    He is very well informed of that I am confident. Now what he does with that information, that's anybody's guess. I mean look at his wife, I can't get over her expression :crackup: Do agree, she's a hell of a lot easier on the eyes than Bill would have been.
  18. InfinitusEquitas

    Problems with left eye

    I know, but I'm still a bit surprised there aren't more posts like the OP's. Also even those well informed often disregard the information. (I love how his wife is looking at him, with a :wtf: are you doing written on her face.)
  19. InfinitusEquitas

    Problems with left eye

    I realize 999.99% this is a troll, but on the off chance it's not... ER is not always a great option. If they don't have an ophthalmologist there, or one on call, they can't do much. Better off calling local offices, explaining it's an emergency, and asking to come in to check. I'm a bit...
  20. InfinitusEquitas


    Magazines are removed... I'm, guessing they cleared the chambers too... safety first I guess :crackup:
