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  1. Laik

    Group buy host identification needed!

    Hi guys and girls, It’s been a long time since I’ve been on this forum, I have found some old hosts I never ended up using that I got when there was a group buy. I have 2 of these, the one pictured and another I polished up. I’m looking to get rid of them but I can’t find what they are called...
  2. Laik

    Have your lasers gotten you in trouble?

    Well the title basically says it all. Have your lasers even caused you to get in trouble with the law? I am always afraid of someone dobbing on me when i use my lasers.
  3. Laik

    Cheap HeNe Laser - WHERE ARE YOU!?!

    I have been looking around for a cheap HeNe L.A.S.E.R. (pew pew) because they just look so freaking sweet! The unique colour and the glass tube lighting up... is just... This kid said he got his for 20 bucks on ebay but everywhere i look they are pretty expensive (minimum 100 bucks). I didn't...
  4. Laik

    Underwater Beam Shots

    So this is my first attempt at underwater beam shots. My regular beam shots (into the night sky) normally turn out pretty bad (i might go and try again later), so i thought i would do some underwater and see how they turned out. I thought they turned out pretty good for what i had to work with...
  5. Laik

    I know that you know you want to know what this is about :p

    Hey guys i got these waterpfoof hosts a few days ago and i couldn't decide which one one to put my fasttech module in. So what do you guys think? Sorry the photos aren't that good :o The date on my camera isn't set properly, i couldn't be bothered. :D
  6. Laik

    200mW green laser...

    So i order a 150mW green laser module off ebay and a pen host. I check the mail today and i got a empty pen host and a fully built laser (in a pen host) that has a sticker say <200mW. Lucky it got through customs or my dad would have been pissed. The is only the 100-150mW mark anyway. But wow i...
  7. Laik

    Nano Tech

    I just found this video on facebook and thought it was pretty cool, so here you go https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151727085573452&set=vb.624528451&type=2&theater
  8. Laik

    Guidesman host?

    Where do i get my hands on a guidesman host? DO they even make them anymore? If not, then where do i get a hotlight, do they even make these anymore as well? I see Eudaimonium has a machine shop thread and is selling guidesman heat sinks for 18 bucks shipped (not sure if he is still selling them).
  9. Laik

    Anyone got an at least 8x dvd burner lying around?

    So as the title is asking, has anyone got one. I have a scratched up c6 host with a messed up pill and a scratched up heatsink. I thought i cant just let it go to waste so has anyone got a dvd burner thats at least 8x? I know probably no one is going to send give me one, but hey u never know...
  10. Laik

    Get your Kryton Groove Now!! We only need 30 more hosts to be purchased!!

    Guys we need everyone who hasn't got a Kryton yet to head over to mohgasm.com and get at LEAST one! Although i would recommend getting more than one because these things are going insanely cheap and probably will not be this cheap again! We need everyone to pitch in on this and get a few so we...
  11. Laik

    Ensuring My Safety Selling Portable Lasers in Australia

    Is there a way to ensure my safety when selling portable lasers over 1mW to other members on this forum. Say i made a laser and posted it in the buy sell and trade section and someone buys it, then they are having fun and all that and they could be very responsible with it. Then one of their...
  12. Laik

    Review/Tutorial For The Focusable and Waterproof Ebay Host

    Ok so here we go. I ordered a eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d?r and a eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d?r Soon after i realized that the module wouldnt work and i saw they also had another 200mW 3.7V - 4.2V green module that had the three...
  13. Laik

    100mW Green Pen Build

    Hey guys hows it goin? I have just made a 100mW green laser. I ordered a 100mW module off ebay, it seems to be about 100mW and i put in in a pen host i had laying around. This module came in one of those bumpy tube looking heatsink things which was a bonus 532nm 100mw Industrial/Green Laser...
  14. Laik

    How the case pins work with red and phr 805t?

    I was wondering how it works when you connect a red diode positive and negative to the driver and then the positive input of the driver is connected to the battery and the negative goes to the negative/case pin, how is it regulated through the driver, wouldn't it go to the diode before it went...
  15. Laik

    NRL Training Tips?

    So when i was younger i used to be fat and an average - slow runner. Now i am one of the fastest in my team. It came to a bit of a shock to me because i stopped playing footy for about 3 years and now i have naturally slimmed down and pretty quick. I want to get faster have you guys got any tips...
  16. Laik

    200mW 532nm VS 500mw 635nm

    I thought this would be the best place to post this, sorry if it is not. But i am trying to figure out what would be brighter. A 200mW green or a 500mw 635nm. I think they would be about the same, wouldn't they. I am making a phr 805t and i want something that is bright that will amaze everyone...
  17. Laik

    Green 1mW Ebay Laser and Making Lasers For Friends

    I am wondering if anyone has bought from this seller and has tested them on their lpm. Just wondering how much they output because i am thinking of selling them to my friends and want to make sure that they are not over 1mW. Some of my other friends want me to build them a portable laser over...
  18. Laik

    200mw Laserlands Module in Odicforce Waterproof host

    I am thinking of buying this 200mw green laserlands module and putting it in this housing, but will it have enough heat sinking for about a 2 min run time...
  19. Laik

    Laws in Australia

    I have looked all over the internet and i know it is illegal to import laser pointers over 1mW, but it doesn't say anywhere if you are or aren't allowed to posses a laser over 1mW. I am probably getting a category A firearms license within a month (it's been 5 months since my dad put in the...
  20. Laik

    Help with making a 405nm Laser

    Hi this is my first post and I'm looking to get into lasers. The only one i have built is a 50mW green, but all i had to do was solder a spring onto a module then put it in a pen/pointer host. Anyway here is my plan: Extract the diode from this: 803T HD DVD DRIVE LASER LENS PHR for xbox360 xbox...
