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Trump Trial

Sep 20, 2013
Tomorrow we get back to the Trump hush money trial in NY. I'll be here to keep everyone apprised of what is going on. If you aren't a true MAGA supporter I'll give you the gist of what is happening in NY.

Sep 20, 2013
So, today judge Merchan held Trump in contempt and fined him $9,000. He also said that any more violations of his gag order will result in jail time. There are four more violations of the gag order that will be revisited on Thursday. Testimony will resume today.

Since the defense has opted to not stipulate to anything, Phillip Thompson, a court reporter in the E. Jean Carrol cases is testifying that Trump's words in that trial was unaltered and shows exactly what Donald Trump said.

Now, Keith Davidson, attorney for Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels is testifying to his role in getting $150,000 for McDougal and, in October, 2016, acquiring $130,000 Daniels. Davidson is now testifying that he reached out to Dylan Howard, David Pecker's editor, about a "blockbuster story about Karen McDougal". The trial has been suspended for lunch during which Trump deleted the posts to his truth social that judge Merchand said violated his orders.

Testimony has now started to continue with Keith Davidson stating that Karen McDougal's story was about a ten month affair with Donald Trump. Now the prosecution is asking about Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels. Most of Ms. Clifford's deals were handled by her manger. The prosecution is going through text messages with Davidson about these. These include suppression of the Stormy Daniels' story especially after the Access Hollywood film release and the necessity to keep all this quiet just prior to the 2016 election date. Howard to Davidson, "Trump is f@cked."

Davidson has now testified that Trump and Daniels used pseudonyms for each party including the real name of Davidson's former classmate.

The trial has ended for the day. Transcripts have yet to be released.
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Sep 20, 2013
Looks like the 1864 Arizona law that the appointed SC ruled as the law is getting overturned and will be signed into law. Unfortunately for women there, a 90 day delay after the legislature there goes home at the end on July will ensue. This is not a good look for Republicans there. That same law said the age of consent to sexual activity for girls was 10 years of age.

Well, the Arizona state Senate just upheld the 1864 law. So, this becomes a real issue in that state this year.

There's an article in the Washington Post today about Florida's newest abortion ban. Seems that when Ron DeSantis signed the law that prohibited abortions to 15 weeks he signed it at a church in Orlando. This 6 week ban he signed behind closed doors. Pro-Choice advocates started getting a ballot initiative to get at least 24 weeks back into the state's constitution. This whole business about fetal heart beats is pure nonsense as at even 6 weeks that heart is nothing more than a tube of cells and doesn't resemble a human heart at all. But, that was never their point. The fetal heart beat was just a way to engage antiabortionists to their cause. Now, it's on the ballot this November and may actually get enshrined in their constitution. Democrats also see this as an advantage to run their opponents in that state. While here in Washington state the GOP is running the most MAGA Republican they could find, overlooking a more moderate candidate that is going to run regardless. Jay Inslee has decided not to run for a forth term while we are close to a super majority in both legislatures.
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Sep 20, 2013
Today the Trump hush money trial is back on with Keith Davidson now getting cross-examined by the Defense attorney. Davidson had testified that he got the $130,000 for Stormy Daniels from Michael Cohen. The defense is trying to destroy the credibility of Davidson. They are asking him to recall other clients from years ago like Lindsey Lohan and Hulk Hogan. Davidson is not able to recall all of these clients or he has an attorney client privilege that he refuses to reveal.

It is worth noting that upon hearing that Trump won the presidency in 2016 Davidson texted Dylan Howard saying "what have we done." Howard texted back "my god." Cross-examination is expected to resume after the lunch break.

The Davidson testimony is over and a high-tech analyst named Doug Dous is being called by the prosecution. This is likely to identify and show that these exhibits are unaltered and real. Daus is testifying to the authenticity of phones seized from Michael Cohen and the information contained in them.

Daus has authenticated that Michael Cohen had 39,000+ phone numbers in his phones including many including Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Hope Hicks, Allen Weisselberg and many others in the Trump campaign.

So, the trial is over for today. Donald Trump went out and falsely claimed the he is not allowed to testify on his own behalf. Every Defendant is of course allowed to testify in their own defense.
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Sep 20, 2013
New day same trial. The prosecution is questioning a paralegal at the DA's office about many posts by Donald Trump about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. She has shown how Trump has posted threats against Daniels and Michael Cohen. They played for the jury Trump's words in a recording of Trump with Cohen talking about Stormy Daniels about the getting ahead of her releasing the story about a one night stand with Donald Trump.

The prosecution showed another post by Trump saying, "IF YOU GO AFTER ME I'M GOING AFTER YOU."

Hope Hicks is now being called to the stand to testify for the prosecution. She has now authenticated an email from the Washington Post concerning the Access Hollywood tape on Oct. 7, 2016. This is when Trump's campaign first learned it would be released. She said that when the tape was released it was Trump for the next 36 hours and hit the campaign like a hurricane. Hicks also testified about the alleged affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. The jury has now been dismissed for lunch.

Hicks has testified that there was a text to her from Madeline Westerhout about Trump wanting to know about David Pecker's news about stories published by the National Enquirer. Hicks testified under direct that she had spoken with Michael Cohen and she knew Trump had made the payment to Stormy Daniels through him. The prosecution rested and the Defense cross-examination started. At that time Hicks broke down crying. Some have speculated that this was because she realized how damaging this testimony would be to Trump.

The defense spent little time on cross-examination. The trial is over for the week. Should begin again on Monday.
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Sep 20, 2013
Your democrats are taking us to war.

Biden did nothing when Russia was amassing troops on the Ukrainian border and now Biden is sending long range weapons systems and F-16's to Ukraine at the cost of BILLIONS which Putin has vowed to shoot down.

Your democrats are not the saviors of anything, they are liars and crooks as are many Republicans, the whole rotten system needs a flush and Trump is the man to do it, this time Trump will not waste time learning the curve with dems impeding him non stop, this time Trump just might drain the swamp.

Democrats have failed again and again while stuffing their pockets and robbing us blind, in 2025 it will be time for Trump to shine.

This is pure nonsense. Trump has already said that he intends to lead a revenge against all who were disloyal to him. There is an article in Time magazine about this and everyone should read it. Trump wants to be an autocrat. You MAGA Republicans are with him 100% on this. Why hold elections if you just end up losing. We live in a democratic republic, but Trump wants to be the dictator of the U.S. Biden has gotten Ukraine the money they need to repel Putin. Even your Speaker of the House did his part to get this done. Ukraine doesn't need America to send troops. They just need the munitions to take back their country that Putin invaded and has been trying to take over for a decade. Let's see if Trump can lie his way out of the NY trial he is in right now for his lawlessness. ;)
Jul 10, 2015
That's nonsense, Trump is an outsider, he was never a beltway insider and Trump is our best chance against the deep state, you keep buying into the hype and betting on the crooked kangaroo court, just like the Mueller contort and the sham impeachments that failed to stop Trump, so will this kangaroo court 3rd would political persecution.
Sep 20, 2013
That's nonsense, Trump is an outsider, he was never a beltway insider and Trump is our best chance against the deep state, you keep buying into the hype and betting on the crooked kangaroo court, just like the Mueller contort and the sham impeachments that failed to stop Trump, so will this kangaroo court 3rd would political persecution.

He's an outsider crook. Muller's report was summarized by Bill Barr before anyone got to read it. No one has ever been convicted by impeachment, though Nixon probably would have. That was back when the Republican party had principles beyond just electing a dictator. Funny how these crooked presidents always seem to be Republicans. You obviously haven't been keeping track of the NY trial. Trump is not doing well. We shall see what the jury decides. :LOL:
Jul 10, 2015
Dec 15, 2014
Charging Trump with 90 some odd bogus felonies while Hillary and Obama get away with murder is nothing more than political persecution in a blatant attempt to interfere with Trumps reelection, furthermore Trump did nothing wrong, it's all 3rd world weaponization of our legal system against an ex-president running for reelection and the mere fact that it's taken place is reason enough for everyone with any sense to put Trump back in office, because if an Ex-President isn't safe then nobody is safe from this criminal deep state cabal who's running our country into the ground.
Red, did you hear about the evidence tampering in the docs case??
Jul 10, 2015
Red, did you hear about the evidence tampering in the docs case??
It's all tampering/manipulation and weaponization of our legal system against Trump, but it's also a serious attack on the Executive branch and I expect the SCOTUS will strike down any kangaroo court convictions if they don't rule Trump to be immune from this political percussion all together.... there was recently a SCOTUS hearing on Trumps immunity pertaining to these cases and a ruling should be coming soon.
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Sep 20, 2013
The Washington Post today:

Trump escalates attacks on prosecutors, says Democrats run 'a Gestapo administration'

PALM BEACH, Fla. - Former president Donald Trump escalated his attacks on prosecutors at a luncheon here Saturday, referring to Special Counsel Jack Smith with an expletive and accusing Democrats of "running a Gestapo administration," according to audio provided by a Republican donor.

He called Smith - who is prosecuting federal cases involving Trump's handling of federal documents and his role in the January, 6, 2021, attack on the Capital - a "f---ing a--hole." He continued to mock another prosecutor, District Attorney Fani T. Willis of Fulton County, Georgia, for her past relationship with a special prosecutor Nathan Wade, calling her "Mrs. Wade" and calling her "a real beauty."

The former president also told the crowd at his Mar-a-Lago club he was surprised he got indicted. "Once I got indicted, I said holy s---, I just got indicted. Me, I got indicted. In fact, Lara, if she knew I got indicted, she probably wouldn't have joined the family," he said referring to the wife of his son Eric. "I got indicted like Alphonse and like all these people," a reference to gangster Al Capone.

Trump complained about former AG William P. Barr for not backing him on false claims of election fraud, saying he needs a new AG with "courage" if he is elected again.

Trump - who faces 88 charges in four separate state and federal cases - has made attacks on prosecutors a central part of his bid for a return to the White House and has repeatedly claimed without evidence that he is a victim of a weaponized legal system.

Trump spent many minutes making false claims about the 2020 election, claiming Democrats "rigged and stole the election and we're not going to let it happen again. "He bragged about his golf game extensively, citing tournaments he ostensible won. He touted the value of his Mar-a-Lago estate and said its ballroom had raised more money for charity than any other properties, and calling it "the center of the universe."

At one point, Trump - who struggled with his own handling of the pandemic - said: "what does covid mean? "I call it ,affectionately, the China virus." he then said that if reelected and China made a good deal with him he would stop using that term.
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Sep 20, 2013
It's all tampering/manipulation and weaponization of our legal system against Trump, but it's also a serious attack on the Executive branch and I expect the SCOTUS will strike down any kangaroo court convictions if they don't rule Trump to be immune from this political percussion all together.... there was recently a SCOTUS hearing on Trumps immunity pertaining to these cases and a ruling should be coming soon.

No one at the SCOTUS pretended Trump had immunity from prosecution. They did slow walk it by sending it back to the district court for a revaluation of what, if anything, he might be immune from.
Jul 10, 2015
Whatever gets you through your day, but prepare yourself, Trump will most likely be sworn back in come Jan 2025 and you alone will have to deal with your TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome )....... that is unless you get professional help...... maybe up your meds.
Sep 20, 2013
Whatever gets you through your day, but prepare yourself, Trump will most likely be sworn back in come Jan 2025 and you alone will have to deal with your TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome )....... that is unless you get professional help...... maybe up your meds.

Believe me there are many that refuse to allow Trump to ever become president again. I am far from alone. You might want to think about how your gonna deal with that pain. :LOL:
